Maths at Hiltingbury Infant School
At Hiltingbury Infant School we aim to instill a love of Maths and encourage children to become confident learners.
It is important that the children develop a positive attitude towards Maths and understand its use in everyday life. Maths equips children with a powerful set of tools to understand and change the world, such as logical reasoning and problem solving skills. Maths can be a creative subject, giving rise to moments of wonder when a child solves a problem for the first time or suddenly sees a hidden connection.
At Hiltingbury we aim to build essential mathematical knowledge, develop and embed key skills and challenge and extend the children’s thinking. Children are given the opportunity to do practical investigative and written work. There is an emphasis on mental and oral work using a wide range of strategies. We make learning experiences enjoyable, motivating and exciting and encourage all children to participate. We provide open-ended problems for the children to solve, which help to foster an enquiring mind where Maths is seen as a challenge rather than a chore.
Every year we hold a ‘Maths week’ where we focus on a particular topic. Over the past few years the children have enjoyed a range of activities based on, for example, ‘Shape and space;’ ‘Maths through stories’ and ‘Measuring.’ The emphasis is on practical investigative activities, many of which take place out doors. One day is also given over to mixed age group activities based on that year’s topic. Parents are invited into school to take part in maths activities with their children and the learning is shared across the school at the end of the week.
Our high standards in Maths teaching have been acknowledged and praised by
Ofsted January 2016-
"Standards are high. Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics"
"Pupils love mathematics and say it is their favourite subject. They relish the opportunity to solve tricky problems or learn new calculation strategies"
"Pupils are highly effective mathematicians and confidently use a range of written approaches or practical equipment to find the correct answers. The reflect well and enjoy high levels of success"
Parents are encouraged to support their children’s learning. Information about each child’s progress is shared at parents evenings. Information about our curriculum is shared during Maths week, curriculum evenings and half termly year group curriculum letters.
If you are keen to extend your children’s learning at home then try these websites: